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1 2 3
4 5
1,2,3,4,5 - Looking
around downtown from the harbor.
7 8
6,7,8 - The Baltimore
Sun, and its neighboring buildings across the street.
9 10
11 12
13 14
9,10,11,12,13,14 -
The first ESPN Zone, of a chain that will span 8 locations with an opening
in Denver next fall, opened in this renovated industrial plant on the harbor.
The Zone shares a roof with Barnes&Noble and Hard Rock Cafe.
15 16
15, 16 - A classy modern
stadium, Camden Yards, home of the Orioles, and a comparatively tacky modern
stadium, football's Ravens' PSI Net Stadium.
17 18
19 20
17,18,19,20 - A natural fit
in the harbor is the National Aquarium, with its dolphins (18), vivid smaller
fish (19), and simulated rainforest (20).
21 22
21, 22 - At BMI Airport.
23 24 25
23,24,25 - Housing in downtown
Baltimore consists almost entirely of rowhouses, each 10-20 wide, two long
rooms deep, and three floors high. With the rise of harbor-related industries,
workers need close, cheap housing, and rowhouses sprung up to line the
26 27
26, 27 - Andrea's relatives,
with whom we stayed in such a rowhouse, own this wall-length mirror, which,
the framed note (26) tells us, was in Baltimorian Francis Scott Key's room
when he died.
photos by Nathan Bierma
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